June Calendar Fundraiser supports our chapter's Good Citizens Program
All funds from this annual fundraiser support our chapter's Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens Program. All 17 high schools from Cape Cod may participate in the Essay Contest and high school seniors are nominated by their school's administration for exemplary citizenship. Contest judges are volunteers within the Cape Cod community with backgrounds in education. Currently the Essay Contest winner receives a $1000 scholarship, the runner up receives $750 scholarship, and all students who are nominated or participate receive a scholarship or gift card.
​Below is last year's 2024 June Calendar and all our 2024 generous supporters! Our chapter members solicit for donations from local businesses during February to April each year. In May, chapter members and some of our business donors sell calendar chances. Then, each day in June a winner of the day is drawn from the pool of chances by our chapter's fundraising team! Can't wait to show you our June 2025 Calendar!